• Cooking last fall’s huge Hubbard winter squash

    Buying large winter-type squashes can be fun and economical. The Pumpkin Patch folks near me sell many varieties of hard rind winter squashes each fall and each fall I load the back of my car with several Acorn types, and…

  • Talking about RURAL life with Amy Drewry

    Dear Everyone, As some of you may know by now, I love to talk about my work and farming and food. This summer I had a lovely day of talk with Amy Drewry, farmer and podcast interviewer, here in Central…

  • Fall Dinners at Indigo House

    I’m getting ready to take my winter hiatus from dinners, but  there are still 5 history dinners open for this fall  – you can register at my website Indigo House Farmstead Dinners! Mary Randolph’s Global Dinner –  Thurs, Oct 20 …