Indigo House Farm Shares
Chicken for the table.
Here at Indigo House, we love our laying ladies. We collect a dozen eggs a day, which is more than I need for myself and family, so we give plenty away to friends and also donate to local organizations. Our fifteen Black Laced Silver Wyandottes are now two years old, have the run of our chicken yard, and make the happiest noises when scratching up and making quick work of any weeds we toss over the fence.
Seasonally, I also order 50+ chicks from a hatchery to raise for meat. Our preferred breed to raise are Jumbo Cornish X Rock, Cornish Cross, or Cross Rocks, these amazing birds are bred to grow and fatten up quickly, and will be butchered May 23rd and ready for pickup at Indigo House after May 25 .
We have raised many Cross Rocks over the years, and they are delicious. Buy one to try right away, and a couple more for your freezer, to have on hand for a summer Sunday’s whole fried chicken supper, with corn, tomatoes, and potato salad. I look forward to hearing what you think of them, and what you make with them.
Supporters can share in these chickens for $6.25 a pound and they will average 4-6 lbs. Reserve your butchered, frozen, whole birds for $25 each. Balance is due upon delivery for additional weight over 4 lbs. @ $6.25/lb.
Jumbo Cornish X Rocks
Our Jumbo Cornish X Rock (Cornish Cross) is the most remarkable meat-producing chicken we offer. The Cornish Cross Rock is a hybrid developed by crossing the commercial Cornish chicken with a White Rock chicken. Our special matings produce baby chicks with broad breasts, big thighs, white plumage, and yellow skin. These broiler chickens are known for their remarkable, rapid growth and feed efficiency. We think our Jumbo Cornish X Rocks are among the finest meat birds in America — we fill our own family freezers with them every year!”
Description from the McMurray Hatchery