Talking about RURAL life with Amy Drewry
Dear Everyone,
As some of you may know by now, I love to talk about my work and farming and food. This summer I had a lovely day of talk with Amy Drewry, farmer and podcast interviewer, here in Central Virginia.
She has been interviewing farming people for her 4-part podcast RURAL. And boy, does she ask good questions. And after several months of hard work cutting and splicing and creating a super series the interviews are being aired.
My interview was just aired and is featured this week on public radio, Spotify, apple and WHRO!
From Amy’s announcement “So far, RURAL has been the most listened to podcast that WHRO hosts.” I hope you will enjoy my interview and will also listen to the other interviews in the series for a contemporary view of life in rural America.
Along with all that superness I’m baking cookies for the Holidays!