
  • Sausage making Saturday at Indigo House

    It’s been a long day of sausage making from meat that I’ve been saving in the freezer for just such a project. Kierk and Jenny are my right-hand-persons, full of help, and laughter and we still have a long day…

  • Dinner - home grown - home made

    My home-grown home-made dinner at Indigo House

    My son and did a bit of pruning and gardening prep in the bright but chilly  afternoon. When we moved the cold frame windows there were several brilliant green Pac Choi ready for harvest.   So to go with my greens…

  • Chicken Tamales

    Order Your Indigo House Tamales

    Once upon a time in Los Angeles, in those far off days called ‘the sixties’, I persuaded (chivvied, nagged, bullied) my friend Lorraine to help me make 40 dozen tamales a week in my kitchen in Silver Lake. And it…

  • The Big Sort at Indigo House #2

      With the help of my son I decided to tackle the pantry first on my organizational to-do list. I’ve used a hall closet as a proto-pantry for several years. It stays relatively cool all year and thus the requirements…

  • Leni cooks on the Monticello Stew Stove

    I had so much fun a few weeks ago. I did my first livestream from the historic Monticello kitchen. I’ve always loved to cook on the hearth but this time I cooked on the stew stove while fielding questions from…

  • Indigo House Front Porch Dinners

    Dear Food Folks: There are only 6 more weekends to enjoy my fall history cuisine series at Indigo House. Welcome and enjoy the front porch of my farmstead home where you will hear the rush of the river, enjoy the…