
  • Update on Indigo House Canning Classes

    Heads up all you canner enthusiasts – my last pressure canning classes till the fall will be on Sat May 25 and on Sat June 8, 2024! Sign up now so you are prepared for summer. In this class I…

  • Indigo House History Dinners and Canning Classes for Spring 2024

    Join me for history dinners celebrating 3 Centuries of African American Women Chefs The Global World of the Black Cooks in Mary Randolph’s Kitchen CANNING CLASSES My water bath classes are for the beginner and pressure canning classes are great…

  • Canning Classes at Indigo House summer 2022

    It’s been rainy and cool here in my neck of the woods but sooner or later the summer will arrive and it will be time to can tomatoes and peaches!  Register for Boiling Water Bath canning classes now! The classes…

  • Summer canning at Indigo House

       It’s getting to be time to think ahead about canning tomatoes and peaches. I am holding five Boiling Water Bath Canning classes this late spring and summer in my kitchen here at Indigo House. We will cover all the…