Home Comfort recipes
Cooking last fall’s huge Hubbard winter squash
Buying large winter-type squashes can be fun and economical. The Pumpkin Patch folks near me sell many varieties of hard rind winter squashes each fall and each fall I load the back of my car with several Acorn types, and…
Indigo House Celebrates 3 Centuries of Southern Women Chefs
There is room at the table! Fri, June 18th and Sat, June 19 each have one table for two ready for a reservation! Our dinner will introduce you to women in a 1770s kitchen and to the enslaved cooks in Mary…
Dear Friends of Indigo House
Heading into 2020 I want to thank all of my friends and supporters and I’ve had an inspiration. Over the seasons of this New Year I want to share with you some of my favorite recipes (some historic – some…
Celebrate Black History Month with Dinner at Indigo House
Celebrate Black History Month this year with a Southern Sunday Supper on a Saturday Night. On Saturday, February 24th, 2018 this dinner for eight will feature iconic African-American and Southern dishes. After a 1st course of “Pot Likker” soup accompanied…
Roasting Garlic for our summer eating
Once in the spring and then once again in the fall I buy a big mesh tube of garlic heads and roast those suckers all on the same day for my quart of roasted garlic that lives in my fridge…
Leni and Kip’s Turkey Pies
I do hope each and every one had a wonderful feast on T-Day. There were 13 of us at the table this year and lots and lots of savory rich food! However I’ve never cared for the taste of the…