
  • Through the Seasons with The Virginia House-Wife: Asparagus

    Mary Randolph, The Virginia House-Wife Asparagus Set a stew pan with plenty of water on the fire, sprinkle a handful of salt in it, let it boil and skim it; then put the asparagus prepared thus: scrape all the stalks…

  • An amazing array of seed catalogues for 2012!

    Come the middle of January each year my mailbox sags as the glorious and seductive seed catalogues come rolling in.  The pictures are so beautiful; the descriptions of each veggie and flower so tempting I could spend hundreds of dollars…

  • A Bit About Brussles Sprouts

    Unlike the chunky, dry, strong flavored mini-cabbages many of us were first introduced to as children real homegrown Brussles Sprouts are tiny nubbins of concentrated yummy taste. Here are what the harvested plants look like. While this picture was taken…