animal raising
Indigo House Chicken Shares
There are still chicken shares available for the meat birds I raised this spring. Reserve at Indigo House Farm Shares. The frozen birds will be ready to pick up in the evening Thurs 5/26 and Friday 5/27 all day. I…
My First Indigo House talk on YouTube!
I am so excited to share the link to my first YouTube talk! The learning curve on the digital world has been steep for me but I’m beginning to get the hang of it – I think. So watch Lets…
My home-grown home-made dinner at Indigo House
My son and did a bit of pruning and gardening prep in the bright but chilly afternoon. When we moved the cold frame windows there were several brilliant green Pac Choi ready for harvest. So to go with my greens…
From Indigo House – Pullets Ready to Lay
Hello to all the local Chicken keepers. For sale 17 Silver Laced Wyandotte pullets ready to begin laying eggs by the first week in March. The Silver Laced Wyandotte is a heavy breed brown egg layer with a calm temperament. …