There’s space at the dinner table Sept 3!!
As sometimes happens folks have to make changes – so the 3 Centuries of Women Cooks dinner on Sat Sept 3, has two empty seats! Go to Farm Dinners at to reserve, There are also spaces in the Fall…
Indigo House History Dinners
It has been a wonderful summer of guests from all over, including two lovely women all the way from Florida, several couples from DC., one family reunion, and scholars from North Carolina. There are open spaces at the table for…
Indigo House Chicken Shares
There are still chicken shares available for the meat birds I raised this spring. Reserve at Indigo House Farm Shares. The frozen birds will be ready to pick up in the evening Thurs 5/26 and Friday 5/27 all day. I…
Canning Classes at Indigo House summer 2022
It’s been rainy and cool here in my neck of the woods but sooner or later the summer will arrive and it will be time to can tomatoes and peaches! Register for Boiling Water Bath canning classes now! The classes…
Summer canning at Indigo House
It’s getting to be time to think ahead about canning tomatoes and peaches. I am holding five Boiling Water Bath Canning classes this late spring and summer in my kitchen here at Indigo House. We will cover all the…
I Get to Talk About Cast Iron on the Eater Channel
The YouTube video interview I did on cast iron has just been released. What a super day I had discussing one of my favorite kitchen tools – everything cast iron! I’ve been collecting cast iron cookware since way back in…