• Roasting Garlic for our summer eating

    Once in the spring and then once again in the fall I buy a big mesh tube of garlic heads and roast those suckers all on the same day for my quart of roasted garlic that lives in my fridge…

  • In which I make beef and venison hand pies

    It was chilly and overcast today – a high of 42-ish. I remembered a recipe for Cornish Pasties I saw in a recent South Dakota magazine and someone on facebook posted a meat pie idea which jogged me into action.…

  • No fresh eggs

    After many years of always having our own eggs, this winter the old hens ran out of laying power before the young pullets kicked in. So we have had to buy store eggs for the first time on over a…

  • Leni and Kip’s Turkey Pies

    I do hope each and every one had a wonderful feast on T-Day. There were 13 of us at the table this year and lots and lots of savory rich food! However I’ve never cared for the taste of the…

  • In which a Cushaw meets its natural end

    Over the past weekend I heard a bit of discussion about various heirloom winter squashes.  I learned some interesting facts about squashes but here is one of my own personal squash adventures – – – – – –